BPL Awards and Proud Moments
BPL Earns 2016 State
Librarian's Excellence Award November 2016 BPL staff and board members traveled to the Michigan Library Association's annual conference in Lansing to accept the Excellence in Library Services award during the State Librarian's luncheon. It was an incredible honor and we are so proud! We are grateful for our staff, volunteers, Friends group, board, community members and local businesses that support us, inspire us, and now... Celebrate with us! Thank you all, for a truly amazing year! 2016-Nov Please, follow the link for the official press release. http://www.michigan.gov/mde/0,4615,7-140--393996--,00.html Click here to see the Channel 9 and 10 article about the award> |
April 2017
As part of National Library Week, we held Legopalooza. The goal of this afternoon of fun was for the kids to create a Lego community, to later be used by our very own Benzie Guild of Makers. The Maker group, made up of elementary students and led by high school students, created the following amazing film for your viewing pleasure. just click the link and enjoy! |
Another proud moment for Benzonia Public Library!
December 2016 BPL director, Amanda McLaren, was invited to participate in an interview with Stateside Host, Cynthia Canty, on Michigan Radio (part of the NPR digital network) for a segment on The Next Idea, Michigan Radio's new project devoted to the new innovations and ideas that will change our state!! To hear the interview click the link and find the listen button, about halfway down the page. The segment is about 12 minutes and worth the listen! Click here to read the article and listen to the segment> |