Friends of BPL Meeting
1st Thursday at 4:30 pm Alternate months February, April, June, August, October, and December Benzonia Public Library 891 Michigan Ave., Benzonia MI Link to Google Map> Please join us for as we fund creative ways to promote and raise funds to support Benzonia Public Library. Everyone is welcome to attend our board meetings. Please join us, we value your input. |
Friends of BPL Fundraising Schedule ONGOING FUNDRAISING EFFORTS:
Visit our ACTIVITIES page for details as dates get closer>
The Friends of BPL are delighted with the positive response to our annual appeal. Your generosity and support help support the Benzonia Public Library in so many ways. THANK YOU! Visit our Letter of Appeal Page for details and donation options> |
Friends of BPL Membership
Your dues & donations help enhance a variety of library needs. Many library improvements, materials, programs, & services would not be possible without the support of our Friends! Read more about what we do at the bottom of this page. Join or renew your membership now. A link to PayPal donate button (yes you can use a credit card instead) will be available after you submit the form or you can mail a check. Please encourage your friends and neighbors to join us. |
Friends of BPL Donations
Payment of dues and/or donations are accepted via PayPal. If you would like to contribute, but don't want to be a member just click on the Donate button shown below or make checks payable to Friends of BPL and mail to PO Box 445, Benzonia, MI 49616. Please include your name and address so we can send a thank you letter. "THANK YOU" for your support.
The Friends of BPL are a 501(c)(3) organization, Tax ID (EIN): 56-2542168. Contributions are tax deductible to the limit of the law when no goods or services are provided in conjunction with the gift.
How You Can Help:
Membership dues, donations, and fundraising proceeds help support a variety of Library programs & services. Ways you can assist:
What We Do:
In recent years Friends contributions have helped the Library:
How We Do It:
Friends raise money for the Library in a variety of fun and creative ways including: The Repurposeful Librarians have been creating craft items to sell. In the past we've also held:
Friends of Benzonia Public Library are a 501(c)(3) organization, Tax ID (EIN): 56-2542168.
Contributions are deductible within the limit of the law.
Memberships are for January-December. Dues received during Sept.-Dec. apply to the following calendar year.
Contributions are deductible within the limit of the law.
Memberships are for January-December. Dues received during Sept.-Dec. apply to the following calendar year.
Friends Board Members
Roger Dewey, President Flint Watt, Vice President Kathy Johnson, Secretary Nicole St.Laurent, Treasurer Ruth Catton, Director Jimmy McLaren, Director Michael Hughes, Director |
Friends Board Meetings
Board meetings are held at 4:30 pm on the 1st Thursday, alternate months at the Benzonia Public Library. |
Everyone is welcome to attend our board meetings. Please join us, we value your input.
More About the Friends
Membership: Join or renew your membership... Membership application>
Mural Cards: Featuring images from the Children's Room mural by Glenn Wolff. Read more>
Repurposeful Librarians: How your crafty librarians are raising money for the Friends. Read more>
Mural Cards: Featuring images from the Children's Room mural by Glenn Wolff. Read more>
Repurposeful Librarians: How your crafty librarians are raising money for the Friends. Read more>
The Friends of BPL "Thank You" for supporting our fundraising events.